Thrust Areas
  • Enhance agricultural mechanization, improve structures and systems for production of material from plants, animals & insects.
  • Incorporate Artificial Intelligence, robotics, automation & IoT etc. in smart machines for production & post-production unit operations & energy management.
  • Implement strategies to minimize food losses and waste.
  • Develop methods for post-harvest processing, preservation, storage, and value addition of agricultural commodities of plant, animal & microbial origin including cotton & other natural fibres.
  • Establish databases & models based on scientific assessments/studies for building national & regional policies in the areas of agricultural mechanization, food loss & waste, renewable energy from biomass & livestock etc.
  • Utilize indigenous solutions & cutting-edge technologies for efficient storage and transport of agricultural produce, rapid methods/instruments for analysis, food control, packaging systems, biomass utilisation, green energy, human safety etc.
  • Develop processes, equipment & pilot plants for economic utilization of bio-waste and by-products to maximize economic, environmental & societal benefits.
  • Capacity building & entrepreneurship development in the area of farm mechanization, processing and value addition of food/fibre crops & food safety and control, and secondary agriculture.