- Enteric methane emission reduction using biowaste of Padina gymnospora
- OmeB: a phyto-supplement for redesigning of cattle milk fat
- An improved device for collection and measurement of enteric methane emission in ruminants
- Harit Dhara: an anti-methanogenic feed supplement
- RESMI- A Composite Feed Additive for Reducing Enteric Methane Emission and Enhancing Production Performances in Ruminants
- CIRB Artificial Insemination Gun for Cattle and Buffalo to Protect Post-Thaw Sperm from Cold Shock
- Spermoscope
- “Digital Artificial Vagina” for Semen Collection from Bulls
- Technology for Development of chelated trace mineral mixture to improve pig production
- A Portable Free Standing Small-Animal Restraining Tool
- Pig Restraining Tool
- Technology for Micro Pig Abattoir
- A portable insulated Container for packed meat
- A method for bio-preservation of mithun hides
- An energy efficient post tanning process for mithun hides
- Leather material derived from the hide of the bovine species Mithun and a method for preparing the same in rural industry
- A method of processing rabbit fur on leather
- A method of removal of chromium from chrome liquor obtained after processing of mithun hides
- Technology for the production of Mithun Meat emulsion based Nuggets and sausages
- Fast acidifying yoghurt culture for Greek style yoghurt
- Technology of sour dahi using prolific acidifying lactic cultures
- Bio-process for direct vat set (DVS) misti dahi culture
- Exopolysachharides producing lactic culture for preparation of low fat dahi
- Exopolysachharides producing lactic culture for preparation of low fat lassi
- Indigenous probiotics L rhamnosus NCDC 610
- Strip based test for detection of maltodextrin in milk
- Strip based test for detection of hydrogen peroxide in milk
- A new strip based test for detection of urea in milk
- A new strip based test for detection of neutralizers in milk
- Technology of low-fat Shrikhand by using exopolysaccharides (EPS) producing lactic cultures”
- Native vitamin B12 producing Lactobacillus reuteri NCDC 958/VTCC 610B for production of vitamin B12 bio-fortified soy curd
- Misti doi/dahi with fast acidifying high sugar tolerating lactic culture(s)
- Milk Protein-enriched Bajra Snacks
- Protocol for production of iron enriched designer eggs
- Methods to cryopreserve chicken semen
- Novel, safe and stable anti tick natural phyto Pharmaceutical formulation for the management of Acaricide resistant ticks infesting livestock and pet animals
- 2-7-10-15 module of oral iron supplementation for control of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) in piglets
- Innovative functional pork product with bloodfruit, Chameleon leaves and perilla seeds
- Climate resilient pigpen (design thereof) for high altitude areas with rain water harvesting system
- GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS based multiresidue method development for estimation of pesticides and veterinary drugs in animal feeds
- Indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies against CSFV in Pigs
- PPR ABrAC-ELISA Kit (PPR Ag Chek Kit) for the detection of PPR Virus antigens in the clinical specimens of sheep and goats
- Surravey-Kit for detection of antibody against Trypanosoma evansi in bovines
- Protein G based Indirect ELISA kit for sero-diagnosis of bovine brucellosis
- Indirect ELISA kit for diagnosis of brucellosis in sheep and goat
- Superchilling, a promising technology for improving shelf-life of meat and poultry
- Green Nano -Antibacterial Technology: Chitosan encapsulated nanosilver entrapped cinnamaldehyde and thymol to combat multi-drug-resistant bacteria
- Customised AV for semen collection from Stallions
- Semen cryopreservation in indigenous horses
- Donkey Milk-Based cosmetic Products (Bathing Soap,Body Butter and Lip Balm)
- Equi Skin
Available Technologies & Products
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