(quarterly newsletter in English)
- Newsletter was started in 1995. It covers agricultural science and technology
- It publishes breakthroughs, promising technologies or practices, new initiatives, management of natural resources, news items related to latest developments in the field of agriculture, animal sciences and fisheries, profile of one ICAR institute is also covered in each issue and Last Page’ is written by the DG, ICAR on important issue related to agriculture
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ICAR Reporter
(quarterly newsletter in English)
- It was revived in 1995 after a lapse of 8 years
- Main objective is to report on the important general interest activities at the headquarters of the Council and its institutes, research stations etc
- It reduces the communication gap between the ICAR staff members of the headquarters and its institutes
- It covers news pertaining to workshop, reports, reforms, personnel, awards, needs of scientists, researchers, and administrators. DG’s Desk’ is written by the DG, ICAR, on important issues related to planning and policies
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