22th–26th July, Barrackpore
ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers organised a 5-day skill development training programme from 22-26 July 2024, on ‘Preparation of Organic and Natural Farming Inputs for Sustainable Agriculture’ for farmers and rural youth.
Dr. Tanmay Samajdar, Pr. Scientist and Head, ICAR-KVK, emphasised the significance of natural and organic farming in the current agriculture scenario.
The programme was organised through interaction-based training sessions covering various topics delivered by different Subject Matter Specialists from ICAR-KVK and scientists of the institute. The training included the method demonstration on the preparation of biostimulants for natural farming, vermicomposting, mass multiplication of Azolla, preparation of neem-based pesticides, installation of sticky traps and pheromone traps, field application, and mass multiplication of biocontrol agents.
Participants visited the ICAR-KVK farm to witness demonstrations on advanced crop and animal husbandry technologies.
A total of 30 farmers participated in the training program.
(Source: ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers, Barrackpore)
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